FIST Postgraduate Workshop 4.0 No 3/2023 Proposal Defence and Pre-Viva: Recommendations and Expectations.

FIST Postgraduate Workshop 4.0 No 3/2023 Proposal Defence and Pre-Viva: Recommendations and Expectations.

On 7th November, FIST Postgraduate Workshop 4.0 No 3/2023 titled "Proposal Defence and Pre-Viva: Recommendations and Expectations" was held. Ts. Dr. Anida Binti Abdul Aziz and Ts. Dr. Shamsul Bin Zakaria were the speakers, with 30 postgraduate students in attendance. Dr Hanida shared valuable insights and practical strategies to enhance the effectiveness of proposal defence. Dr Shamsul’s presentation provided invaluable tips and tricks to help students prepare for their pre-viva assessments.

Additionally, some of the students had the opportunity to share their experience during proposal defence. This workshop served the students with essential insights of the crucial stages of their postgraduate journey.

Berita disediakan oleh Dr. Aini Norhidayah binti Mohamed, Pensyarah FSTI